About Us

About Cornish Ancestry

At Cornish Ancestry we have many years experience in research for private individuals through to businesses and published authors who have asked us to undertake specific research for them.

We have traced ancestors back as far as 16 generations and have worked not only on behalf of clients in Cornwall but from Canada, Australia, the United States, New Zealand and other locations.

Map of Cornwall from 1650

Map of Cornwall from 1650

We have carried out detailed research where we have been commissioned to verify and prove family trees provided to us in order to assist our clients’ own research and to add ‘colour’ to the individuals involved , so that they become real characters instead of merely names.

With our local knowledge we have also been able to provide details and facts about where individuals were born, lived, worked and died  to further enhance the client’s understanding of their ancestors lives.

William Ivey grave

In addition we try to provide links to relevant facts and sites of interest to give you an even greater insight to your ancestors and their story.

We have, for example, been able to take visitors to Cornwall to the house built by their great, great Grandfather for their great Grandmother upon her marriage.

Similarly, we have also taken people to the houses where their ancestors used to live and to the cemeteries where their ancestors are buried, introducing them to other members of their family buried within the same cemetery.

We have excellent access to local resources in Cornwall and are only a few miles from the Cornish Records Office where we are able to view and copy original documents, transcripts and other records which are simply not available elsewhere.

If required we are able to provide professional quality photographs of where your ancestors lived and worked, if still in existence, and can provide these as prints for you to keep, in electronic form for you to save and share, or as framed photographs for you to display.

When you contact us you will be dealing with the people who will actually be carrying out the research for you, so that you can be sure that any  specific requirements that you have are included.

As far as possible we will work to meet  all our clients requirements, including any special requests that you may have, and we believe that clients will be pleased with the level of personal service that we are able to provide.

With a free initial consultation to see how we can help you, you have nothing to lose.