Privacy Policy
In order for Cornish Ancestry Ltd to carry out genealogy research you will be asked to provide personal information about yourself (eg. name, address, email address, date of birth etc.). In addition to this you will be required to provide personal family information.
We are registered under the Data Protection Act as a Data Controller and understand and comply with all objectives required by the Act.
Any research undertaken for you is treated in strictest confidence and we will not share any information with any third party, unless instructed to do so by you.
We will only use this information for the purposes of researching your ancestors and billing.
Information on living persons will be entered into family tree software in preparation for the complete issue of information in electronic format at the end of a project to the client alone.
At the end of the project, or when instructed to cease work, and once payment for all our services have been received in full, at your request we will either forward to you all the original documentation we have found or will destroy it. Any original documentation provided by the client, will of course, be returned.
Information will be retained until such time that you request the information is removed from our records.
You have the right to request a copy of any personal information that Cornish Ancestry Ltd holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Requests are to be in writing at the address stated in the contact us section of the website.
For PayPal payments a PayPal generated email will be sent to you at the email address you provided in the questionnaire.
Any emails sent from Cornish Ancestry Ltd will be directly related to your research. At no time will we send you any bulk or spam emails.